Welcome to Hysteria.

The good kind.

What is Hysteria?

Hysteria is an online editor for making lyrics. Hysteria provides you with a built-in rhyming dictionary free to use, allows you to export lyrics to Genius-style or Musixmatch-style, and if you're using the desktop app, you can even sync lyrics to music files to generate lyric files for media players such as VLC!

Is it complex to use?

Not at all! Hysteria is very easy to pick up and understand. It relies on a card-like style system, making it easy to sort your lyrics into verses, choruses, bridges, etc. And if you feel like the organizational system is too much for you, you can go freeform-style and just write to your heart's content without worrying about organization. You won't be able to export lyrics to Genius or Musixmatch, but you'll still get access to rhyming!

How much does it cost?

Nothing at all - Hysteria Online is completely free to use. There's no pricing model, no trial version, nothing like that. You can just pick it up and get to writing lyrics. If you'd like to use the desktop app, you can get it on itch.io for just $1.99. The desktop app comes in both Neutralino (less compatibility, but much more lightweight) and Electron (way more compatible, but much heavier) ports.

Is there an account system?

Currently, Hysteria is in alpha and has no account system. This means that if you're gonna write lyrics using Hysteria, you will unfortunately have to do it in one go. This will change in the future and Hysteria will have cloud saving - but that's just not a possibility at that moment.